outdoor learning environments
Our preschool garden has many exciting experiences on offer, such as a mud kitchen, bug hotels, planting area with fruits, vegetables and flowers, a musical stage, a construction area with real tools, sand and water, and a cosy teepee. These resources offer outstanding experiences and allow children to actively learn and develop their play. This garden also leads onto the playing field which is often used to extend on experiences in nature too. All children are given daily opportunities to play outside every day, no matter the weather!
our Under 2's Garden. We ensure this environment is enabling for our youngest of children. To develop on our vision and ethos, we support children to grow their own flowers and plants, supporting them to care and look after them. We support children’s small world play outside with standing dinosaurs and farmyard small world planters, which support our smaller children to develop their gross motor development. We also have a large sand pit for our children to climb inside and explore the sand between their toes. Stories can be explored inside our cosy den too!
There are many benefits for younger children having daily access to the outdoors which include; sensory stimulation, vitamin D production, physical development, emotional well-being, enhanced sleep, immune system support and developing social interaction.
“Ofsted 2018 - “Children demonstrate a strong desire to explore and participate in the exciting and interesting activities, indoors and outside. Staff inspire children’s interests as they excitedly discuss the different insects they find in the garden area. Children are encouraged to investigate as they use a variety of media to identify the insect and its name”. ”